The Magic of Executive Presence
November 1, 2020

Do you feel stuck at your current stage of career growth? If yes, may I suggest that you take a step back, and ask yourself, “Do I have the magic of executive presence (EP)?” I truly believe that many people are simply not getting the guidance they need to acquire executive presence. My clients share with me that they work hard and perform well, but are still not being promoted to leadership roles. Research by The Center for Talent Innovation show that executive presence accounts for 26 percent of what it takes to get your next promotion. Is this your missing link to propelling your career to the next level? Do you want to get people’s attention quicker and keep it? Read on . . .
As an executive coach, I train leaders to develop executive presence in order to propel their careers to the highest ranks. Many of us underestimate the importance of executive presence and it is why we are overlooked for the top jobs. I implore you, proactively develop these skills because leadership roles are given to those who look and act the part.
What is Executive Presence?
Executive presence is about your ability to inspire confidence in others by your polish, poise and preparation. First, inspire confidence in your team by showing them that you’re the leader they want to follow. Second, inspire confidence among your peers, by exhibiting to them you are a capable and reliable leader. Third, inspire confidence among senior leaders, because you are telling them that you have the potential for great achievements. This is the magic of executive presence because it determines whether you gain access to opportunity and promotion.
” . . . . no man or woman attains a top job, lands an extraordinary deal, or develops a significant following without the combination of confidence, poise, and authenticity that convinces the rest of us we’re in the presence of someone who’s the real deal.” Sylvia Ann Hewlett
How to Build Your Executive Presence: Five Key Steps
Everyone can improve their executive presence with focus and practice. Here are five key steps to develop and signal to others that you have what it takes:
- Your Packaging Matters. Look to the top of the house. Do you dress like a senior executive? Visual appearance makes a first impression, and first impressions, are powerful. Therefore, ensure that your first impression inspires confidence. Pay attention to your clothing choices, tailoring and grooming. If you aspire to be an A player but look like a B player, why would anyone listen to you?
- Body Language. Do you make eye contact? Does your posture reflect that you stand tall and exude strength and confidence?
- Tone of Voice. Being confident means having the right volume with grace. Can we hear you? If you are tentative then the audience feels that you too don’t believe in yourself. Ensure that you are not flip, sarcastic or a know-it-all.
- Sound Bite. You need one. Practice makes perfect. If you were in an elevator with a senior executive and you had 60 seconds could you articulate how you intend to add value? A well-articulated vision is ultimately how you make your mark — it sets you apart, and it’s a powerful tool for inspiring confidence.
- Emotional Resilience. Your team looks to you for guidance. In the eye of the storm, do you react with fear or do you convey that you are calm and composed and will find the path? Set the tone. Leaders with great executive presence are excellent communicators. Invest your time in building communication skills across every medium — in-person, written or virtually.
Some Closing Thoughts
Above all, regardless of your industry sector, executive presence is a universally required leadership brand. May I encourage you to place value on how you show up to the party — how you look, how you speak, and how you act is critical to your success, at every step of your career journey. Lift your head up, get out of the weeds and place value in how you show up to the party.
My greatest triumph is when you triumph! Contact me and let’s have a conversation on how to propel your career to the next level through the magic of executive presence training.
Your partner in success,
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